Matthew Bisanz


Matthew Bisanz counsels domestic and global financial services firms on a variety of banking and derivatives regulatory issues.

Regulatory Compliance: Matt advises financial institutions on core bank regulatory issues and adjacent subject matter domains. Matt is knowledgeable in all major aspects of the operations of an insured depository institution, its affiliates, and its partners—including chartering, acquisition, and permissibility analyses; ongoing risk management, governance, and compliance requirements; and insolvency and resolution issues. He also advises clients on Dodd-Frank Act compliance issues, including the Volcker Rule, capital and liquidity requirements, Reg YY enhanced prudential standards, and Title VII compliance. Further, his practice extends to the other regulatory and risk management needs of the firm’s financial institution clients through counseling on regulatory inventories and change management, cybersecurity and data privacy concerns, and anti-money laundering compliance. Matt currently serves as the chair of the American Bar Association’s subcommittee on banking legislation and regulation.

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